
Showing posts from August, 2020

Book Recommendations - we can do that!

 Have you ever wished someone could tell you what to read based on your interests? We can! The librarians at Bondurant Community Library love to give book recommendations. We spend a lot of time researching and filling out catalog with new books and the best classic's for you to read. We take special care to ensure we are covering subjects that you want to read! From Non-Fiction to Graphic Novels we have something for everyone to enjoy (yes, even you that says reading is boring). We have increased our selection on LGBTQ+ reading options, culture diverse sections, and of course our fantasy fiction options!

The more you know....

  By: Miss Megan I am getting excited for the first official Teen Book Club event, September 29, 2020!  Getting everything together for Kindness month has really opened my eyes to the power kindness has in this world.  Being the very best version of yourself is something that all of us should strive for in life.  Being the best version of yourself requires not only having healthy habits to keep a healthy body, but a healthy mind as well.  You ALL have talents and gifts that you can share with your friends and family. Sometimes all it takes is making another person smile or offering to help, when you see the need.   When someone looks or believes different than you, remember to embrace those differences, not to be scared of them or push them away. Learning about other people's thoughts and beliefs is the best way to open yourself up to things you may have never thought of before. Just like reading a great non-fiction book!  You are all special in your own way and bring something i